Maternity pics in the Portland Oregon rose garden

I was totally amazed with the georgeous scenery of the Portland, Oregon rose garden. Beautiful rows and rows of different colored was quite breath taking. What really boggles my mind that all of that beauty is free! Yes a free thing to go and do. Look at amazingly beautiful fragrant roses and then sit down on the beautiful grassy grounds and have a picnic....for FREE! Simply amazing. Of course what could be better than all of that? how about a maternity photo shoot? in the middle of the rose garden? YES please! I had such a fun time doing this shoot. The family was super cute. Little sister Lilly was anything but interested in my camera or my cheesy jokes and faces.......however we got a break down at the bottom of the garden. There was this cute little green shed with the most amazing sun flair lighting.....and there is where Lilly decided she wanted to be just like her momma. Made me so happy to have her actually wanting to have her photo taken. The shots are just STUNNING! So enjoy! I enjoyed editing them :)


  1. Lilly on mommy's lap is my favorite. I like close ups where you can really see details of each face.


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